Non-Uniform Sequential Convoys in BTS 2004 using Correlation

This is another primer on Sequential Convoys, but non-uniform ones this time. With a uniform Sequential Convoy, correlated messages have to be of the same type. But there might be situations where we would want to implement Sequential Convoys with different messages. The sample below illusatrates this concept by taking 2 messages of different types, and merging them to produce 1 output message. The input messages are correlated into a single orchestration instance by a promoted property called "Primary".

Non-Uniform Sequential Convoy

Most information in my previous post about Uniform Sequential Convoys holds true in this case too.

You can get the source files here

Post a comment if you need any clarifications.


Nimbus said…
(Thinks to herself - How does one leave a comment on a blog that one finds to be largely over-head transmission? Does one pretend to sound knowledgeable and risk looking like a fool, or does one not say anything at all and look dumb instead? Hmm.. food for thought, no doubt.)

Thanks for visiting and for the comment! :)

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